Hop into Spring with the Sierra Hillbillies

David Moorhouse calls out moves during a Sierra Hillbillies round dance session in 2017. The Sierra Hillbillies are hosting a square dance and line dance event April 5 in the Valencia United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Signal File Photo

The Sierra Hillbillies will be dancing on April 5 to caller Dale Hoppers for squares and line dancing. 

The dancing begins with lines at 2 p.m. and squares at 2:30 p.m. at the Valencia United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 25718 McBean Parkway in Santa Clarita. Casual dress is always welcome. Dancer donation is $10.

The Sierra Hillbillies sponsor two sessions a year for their American folk dance through the Santa Clarita Parks and Recreation program. For information, call 661-254-4272, visit www.sierrahillbillies.org, or find them on Facebook.

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