Santa Clarita among top 20 happiest cities in nation

Mike and Emily Verdi of Valencia walk their Dachshund, Ribbons at Towsley Canyon in Newhall.083016 Dan Watson

In spite of coronavirus headlines and other global challenges, Santa Clarita was recently ranked among the 20 happiest cities in the nation. 

The report, “2020’s Happiest Cities in America,” released on Monday by personal-finance website WalletHub, said Santa Clarita was the 16th-happiest city in a list of 181 others. 

Joy, for many, may come from several different things, such as family, friends and entertainment, but “(w)hat people might not realize is that where you live may also determine how happy you are,” read the report. 

With several amenities available for a diverse community, the city has a lot to offer, according to Santa Clarita Mayor Cameron Smyth. 

“Our city continues to rank high in polls like this because of the high quality of life our residents enjoy,” said Smyth in a statement. “With miles of off-street trails, smooth roads, 34 parks, community amenities, great schools and acres upon acres of open space — it is no surprise that Santa Clarita is one of the happiest cities in the nation.”  

The study examined each city based on 30 key indicators of happiness, including depression and income-growth rates, and average leisure time spent per day. 

Under the “emotional and well-being” category, Santa Clarita came in 17th place, which looked into aspects such as depression, suicide, physical health, life expectancy and adequate sleep rates. 

The city ranked 29th under “Community and Environment,” a category that considered strength of social ties, separation and divorce rates, ideal weather, hate crime and acres of parkland. 

In the third category, “Income and Employment,” Santa Clarita came in 127th. This section looked into income growth, the share of households earning annual incomes, poverty rate and job satisfaction. 

The happiest city was Fremont, California, and Detroit was the least happy, according to the study.

To see the entire report, visit

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