Newsom grants schools more time in developing LCAP

Third-sixth-grade students from eight schools in the Sulphur Springs School District sing "You've Got a Friend in Me" during the CLASS Education Foundation inaugural kick-off event held at Fair Oaks Ranch Community School in Santa Clarita on Thursday, October 17, 2019. Dan Watson/The Signal

Through executive order by Gov. Gavin Newsom, local school districts have been granted an extension to filing their Local Control and Accountability Plans, or LCAPs.

LCAPs are submitted to cover a district’s three-year plan, and are largely tied to their budget projections. The plans show the state how the district will use taxpayer money to improve student learning and close achievement gaps, and is developed by a variety of stakeholders, staff and parents.

The executive order extended the submission date from July 1 to Dec. 15, and instead instructed districts to focus their update submitted to the state on COVID-19-related impacts to students and the plans to address those impacts.

The hope is, according to a California Department of Education news release distributed on Friday, that districts will now have more time to focus on their students and families in light of the crisis.

“School districts statewide have been working hard to put distance learning platforms into place and keep their students fed. The LCAP process deadlines should not be placing additional burdens on schools, which as a result of our current climate of social distancing, cannot meaningfully engage with their community stakeholders,” state schools Superintendent Tony Thurmond said. “The governor’s action frees up staff time and resources for districts to focus solely on the immediate learning needs and health of our students.”

Friday’s executive order also waives physical education requirements, physical fitness testing and spring administration of the English proficiency exam for English learners, officials said.

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