A member of the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency’s board of directors was arrested Sunday on suspicion of spousal assault.
Newhall resident Daniel Mortensen, 52, was arrested at his home on the 23300 block of Haskell Vista Lane after deputies responded for a disturbance call at 8:30 p.m.
“Deputies contacted several people and the investigation revealed that during an argument, the suspect, Daniel Mortensen, assaulted the victim, causing a visible injury,” said Lt. Ignacio Somoano of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.
Franklin Lopez, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Fire Department, said no ambulances had been called to the scene and no one had been transported to the hospital.
Mortensen was transported to the SCV Sheriff’s Station on suspicion of spousal assault. His bail was set at $50,000 and he was released Tuesday on his own recognizance, according to Sheriff’s Department bail information.
Mortensen said on Friday that he had not yet hired a criminal defense attorney, but asked people to remind themselves of the presumption of innocence.
“We have a system in this country that has a presumption of innocence until proven guilty,” said Mortensen. “And I would appreciate it very much if people would take that presumption very literally.”
“I would say don’t think that this couldn’t happen to you,” Mortensen added. “My reputation is my reputation and I don’t think there is anyone out there that thinks ill of me.”
Mortensen has served on the SCV Water board since it was formed in January 2018. Before, he was a member of the Newhall County Water District board and was first elected in 2007 and re-elected in 2015.
He is presently the Finance and Administration Committee chair for SCV Water and his term is set to expire in January 2023.
SCV Water declined to comment Friday.