First responders called to an outdoor fire at ‘vacant’ Newhall bank

First responders were called to an outdoor fire at a vacant Newhall bank late Thursday night. Bobby Block / The Signal

First responders were called to an outdoor fire at a vacant Newhall bank late Thursday night.

The call came in at approximately 8:15 p.m., near the corner of Lyons Avenue and Apple Street, according to Supervisor Miguel Ornelas, of the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

“It was just outdoor fire up against the side of a building,” said Ornelas, adding that the responding units on the scene said the fire was up against a “vacant bank.”

The fire was quickly extinguished and at approximately 8:52 p.m. only two units with the Fire Department remained on the scene.

First responders were called to an outdoor fire at a vacant Newhall bank late Thursday night. Bobby Block / The Signal

One individual was taken into custody as a result of the incident.

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