Law enforcement honors Santa Clarita resident, fellow deputy who died Friday

Deputy Soo Kim. Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

Law enforcement personnel from the Santa Clarita Valley paid tribute on Friday night to a fellow deputy who died off-duty. 

Deputy Soo Kim worked out of the West Hollywood Station, but died at his Santa Clarita Valley home on Friday, according to Deputy Joana Warren of the Sheriff’s Information Bureau. 

On Friday night, deputies from both the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station and California Highway Patrol stood on the Interstate 5 overpass on Valencia Boulevard in order to salute Kim as his body was escorted down the freeway. 

“They were transporting him from his home to the coroner’s office,” said Warren. 

The cause of death for Kim will be determined at a later date by the coroner’s office, Warren said. 

Further details about Kim and his service while in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department are scheduled to be released later Saturday. 

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