SSUSD granted reopening waivers

Sulphur Springs Union School District administrative offices.
Sulphur Springs Union School District administrative offices.

The Sulphur Springs Union School District was granted reopening waivers for TK-2 grade students on all nine school campuses by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

After satisfying all requirements and submitting the applications in late October, the district was approved to reopen in-person instruction for students in lower grade levels with health and safety protocols in place for students and staff to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The district has provided a reopening plan on its website, which can be accessed by parents. The plan outlines protocols for each school site required by the state and county public health departments. These measures include required face coverings, frequent handwashing and socially distanced indoor and outdoor spaces.

SSUSD board members have an update on the current status of reopening scheduled for its Dec. 16 board meeting, according to the meeting’s agenda.

The district board of trustees will be also nominating and electing a candidate in multiple board positions, including president.

Before the regular scheduled board meeting, the district will be having its annual organization board meeting where Shelley Weinstein, Denis DeFigueiredo and Paola Jellings will be taking the oath of office after being elected to the board during the 2020 General Election in November.

The board will then nominate and elect a member as board president and will “assume the role of chairperson” to lead the rest of the meeting, according to the board’s agenda.

Among board president, the board will also be nominating and selecting multiple positions, including:

  • clerk
  • presiding officer
  • delegate and alternate to the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association, 
  • representative and alternate to the Santa Clarita Valley Special Education Local Planning Area Board Liaison Committee
  • voting representative to elect members to the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization
  • Voting representative to elect a Board Member to the CLASS Education Foundation-Creativity Innovation Wellness Organization

The Sulphur Springs Union School District’s board meeting will be held virtually through the district’s YouTube channel and can be viewed Dec. 16 at 7 p.m.

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