A Canyon Country man caught an alleged trespasser on a home video camera Thursday morning, and now is sharing the information in order to help his neighbors and community stay safe.
Glenn Roberts, a retired Air Force and film industry veteran, said he woke up in his home on Hot Springs Avenue Thursday at 3 a.m. Upon checking his cameras through his phone, he saw a man staring right back into the camera lens.
“I’ve heard rumors that he’s been around the area. I don’t know what crimes have been committed, but this is the first time that I’ve really had somebody on (my property), checking it out, looking for cameras,” said Roberts on Thursday.
Roberts lives alone and, upon seeing the hooded figure, with no mask, looking around his property after having gained access to it in the dead of night, said he was “freaked out.”
“He looked up and he saw the one camera and he quickly turned away but I already had him,” said Roberts.
The alleged trespasser, upon turning away from the camera, then left the property. However, Roberts said he remained distressed and was worried about his neighbors because he believes the suspect had been “casing” his house and the house next door.
“Particularly in this 3-square-mile area, there seems to be a lot of crime,” said Roberts, adding that he had heard of some nearby catalytic converter thefts recently. “And it’s got to stop. We have to come together as a community, look out for each other, and start arresting these people. Because they’re getting away with it.”
Once the sun had risen, Roberts said he was able to file a report with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station, but was told there was not a strong chance of catching the alleged suspect, given the nature of a trespassing crime.
SCV Sheriff’s Station officials said they have not seen an uptick in these types of crimes in recent months, but did remind residents on Thursday that one of the best defenses against similar types of intrusion or nighttime theft is to be aware of their “9 p.m. Routine.”
“We’re just continuing to encourage everyone to make sure to try to get into the nightly 9 p.m. routine,” said Deputy Natalie Arriaga, a spokeswoman for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station. “Usually by like 9 p.m. before someone’s getting ready to settle in for bed, they should make sure that all their car doors or windows are locked and everything.”