By Judy Kascoutas
Secretary, Xi Nu Zeta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
Gerry Morey celebrated her 90th birthday on her front porch with sisters from XI Nu Zeta, a chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, and friends on Tuesday, Jan. 26.
Included in the celebration was a beautiful cake from Nancy of Clarice’s Cakes. Her sisters in Xi Nu Zeta brought flowers and a bouquet of their pictures for Gerry to enjoy. We each were able to spend some time with Gerry, which was very special for us all.
Gerry has been a pillar of our community for many years. She taught fifth grade and was vice principal at Newhall Elementary. She also was director of curriculum for the district. Following this, Gerry was principal at Wiley Canyon Elementary School, and opened and was principal at Valencia Valley Elementary School.
In her retirement, Gerry coached student teachers, was a consultant at The Master’s College, traveled to Albania with teachers from Master’s to observe their educational system, and has been active in many community activities.
Gerry has been a loving teacher, friend, sister and mentor to us all through her years in Newhall.