Zonta Club receives proclamation from city of Santa Clarita during 16 Days of Activism

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Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley took part in the “Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women” campaign from Nov. 25 to Dec. 10. The “Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women” banner was prominently displayed on McBean Parkway at Sunset Hills Drive. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, interacting with the public was quite different compared to past years. During the campaign, Zonta shared posts on Facebook and Instagram every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to promote awareness about the 16 days of activism. Topics included: Orange Day, Bullying, Zonta Says No, Gender Equality, #HeForShe, Ending Child Marriage, Domestic Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, Human Trafficking, Human Slavery, the Red Dress Project, and Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. 

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The Zonta website’s blog page also shared information that mirrored the social media campaign. 

Advocating with the city of Santa Clarita on an annual basis is an important part of the club’s 16 Days of Activism, and once again, the club received a proclamation from the city of Santa Clarita. 

Club members wore orange shirts to signify “Orange the World.” The color orange is used for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is on Nov. 25.

For more information about Zonta advocacy projects, visit: scvzonta.org/advocacy-and-awareness.

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