Can You Get Auto Insurance Quotes Without Putting In Any Personal Information?


Many websites require personal information to receive a car insurance quote.

Fortunately, it’s possible to receive auto insurance pricing information without divulging personal info. In some states, you can obtain a driver’s license and buy car insurance without an SSN.

The more information you provide, the more customized your quote will be. However, many websites provide basic insurance pricing upfront with limited personal information required.

Use a Secure Car Insurance Quote Comparison Website

If you request a quote from an insurance company’s website, then you may be required to input specific personal information – like an address, name, contact information, and SSN.  

Many insurance company websites ask for your name and contact information before providing you with a quote, for example. Others require you to input your SSN or credit score to receive a quote.

With insurance comparison websites, you don’t have to input any of this information. Insurance comparison websites use general data about your driving habits to provide customized rates.

Car insurance quote comparison websites still require information. However, none of it is personal information linked directly to you. Most insurance comparison websites do not ask for your SSN or credit score, for example. They simply require basic information about your driving habits.

Provide Basic Information to Receive a Free Estimate

In exchange for providing basic information about your driving habits, you may be able to obtain a free estimate from many car insurance quote comparison websites.

A typical quote comparison website will ask for the following information before providing a customized quote:

  • Gender
  • ZIP code
  • Income and highest completed level of education
  • Number of people in your household
  • Year, make, and model of your vehicle
  • Estimated annual mileage
  • Recent driving history (DUIs, speeding tickets, or at-fault accidents)
  • Make and model of your vehicle

Some comparison websites ask for your name and contact information. Others do not.

Instead of asking for your specific address, many car insurance comparison websites simply ask for your ZIP code. Although it’s still personal information, it may not be traced back to you.

After entering this information, you should be able to view customized quotes from insurers in your region. To request a specific quote from each insurer, you may need to complete their application process, which could require additional information. However, you can compare rates within minutes just by entering the information above.

You May Not Need an SSN to Obtain a Driver’s License

In 13 states, drivers do not need a Social Security Number (SSN) to obtain a driver’s license.

If you live in a state that does not require an SSN to receive a driver’s license, then you may not need to input your SSN to receive a car insurance estimate.

States where drivers do not require an SSN to obtain a driver’s license include:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington

You do not need an SSN to obtain car insurance in most states, but you do need a driver’s license to obtain car insurance in all states. If you live in one of the 13 states above, then you could obtain car insurance without an SSN.

Car Insurance Estimates Are Free and Have No Obligations

When you request a car insurance quote through a comparison website, you get a free estimate with no obligations.

You can complete the application process with a specific insurer (if you like the price and their service). Or, you can ignore the quote. Estimates are provided for free with no obligations. It’s a no-risk, no-hassle way to find the best auto insurance.

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