COC summer registration underway

Press release

Students can now register for the College of the Canyons 2021 summer session, with classes running June 7 through Aug. 14. 

The 2021 summer schedule of four sessions will offer students more than 800 sections of high-demand “core” classes in a wide range of academic subjects and disciplines, as well as various noncredit offerings.   

“We are very excited to offer students another very robust summer schedule of classes,” said Omar Torres, the college’s assistant superintendent and vice president of instruction. “Summer is an excellent time for incoming students to get a jump-start on their coursework before the start of the fall semester.” 

The majority of class sections offered will be courses that most students need to either graduate or meet prerequisites for transfer to a four-year school. 

In addition, high school juniors and seniors can take advantage of summer classes to earn college and high school credit while taking classes at COC with waived enrollment fees.   

High school students (11th and 12th grade) can begin registering May 25. A final late registration period for all students will begin June 1. 

The schedule also features more than 200 classes offered through the college’s School of Personal and Professional Learning (PPL), which provides lifelong learning classes to residents of all ages and skill levels, at no cost. 

Some PPL classes being offered in the summer include English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, human resources, GED preparation, career skills, computer skills, health, and Spanish for health care workers. 

For the first time since their introduction in fall 2020, noncredit courses in English and math will also be offered during the summer session. These classes are designed to help prepare students for college-level work in those subject areas. 

To register or obtain more information about PPL classes, visit the school’s webpage. 

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, summer classes will be held in three different formats: 

  • OnlineLive – These classes will be held via Zoom on the days and times listed on the class schedule. Students will not be able to register for two classes at the same time. 
  • Online – These classes will not meet live. They give students the flexibility to complete instruction at their convenience. 
  • InPerson – These classes require in-person instruction. Strict health protocols will be followed for safety. 

The college’s first five-week summer session will run June 7 to July 10. A second eight-week summer session will begin June 14 and run until Aug. 7. The third summer session will run from June 21 to July 24. A final five-week accelerated summer session will be offered from July 12 to Aug. 14. 

Summer 2021 enrollment fees at all California Community Colleges will remain at $46 per unit, as mandated by the state of California.   

Registration for summer sessions will be ongoing at both the Valencia and Canyon Country campuses until classes are full. 

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