Bridge to Home urges community to support capital campaign

Zonta SCV Foundation President Lois Bauccio, left, and Zonta Club of SCV President Nicole Miller pass a check to Bridge to Home Executive Director Michael Foley for the new Bridge to Home shelter. Courtesy photo

Bridge to Home recently announced it has reached the halfway point in its capital campaign to fund a new, permanent homeless shelter in Santa Clarita. The goal is to raise $2.5 million from the community to build the shelter campus on Drayton Street. 

“This project is truly a community effort,” said Michael Foley, the nonprofit’s executive director. “We have local residents, organizations and builders contributing very generous donations to this important cause. We have 100% participation from our Bridge to Home board of directors. But we still have much more work to do, and I encourage each and every one of you to give what you can.” 

Bridge to Home thanked Claremont Homes for their $550,000 gift, Steve Kim, owner of the Sand Canyon Country Club, for donating $250,000 and Williams Homes for a $100,000 gift.  

Bridge to Home has also received $50,000 from the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation and $25,000 from the Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley. 

The new facility will have space to house 60 individuals. It will also offer the first family shelter in the Santa Clarita Valley with accommodations for eight families. A large, functional kitchen will offer volunteers adequate space and amenities to coordinate and serve meals with greater efficiency.  

Every space in the new facility will be thoughtfully designed – including places for clients to meet and engage in case management and workshops, as well as a technology center with access to education, job training and housing resources. 

If you would like to be part of this capital campaign, visit 

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