Driver arrested after car drives off Newhall Ranch Road

A minivan crashed through a fence and rolled down a 30 foot embankment from Newhall Ranch Road near Millhouse Drive in Santa Clarita on Friday, 080621. Dan Watson/The Signal

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies arrested the driver of a vehicle that drove into an embankment off of Newhall Ranch Road approximately a half-mile east of Bouquet Canyon Road Friday afternoon. 

The driver, who sustained minor injuries, was arrested at 5:56 p.m. on charges of child endangerment and driving under the influence, according to Sgt. Erik Jepson with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s station. 

A man is given a field sobriety check after a minivan crashed through a fence and rolled down a 30 foot embankment from Newhall Ranch Road near Millhouse Drive in Santa Clarita on Friday, 080621. Dan Watson/The Signal

Deputies were seen giving a man, the driver, a field sobriety test, according to a witness at the scene. A woman and three children were seen being examined by Fire personnel after the crash.  

One caller reported to the Los Angeles County Fire Department that the vehicle landed 50 yards from the road, according to Supervisor Melanie Flores with the department. 

A woman and three children are examined Los Angeles County Fire personnel after a minivan crashed through a fence and rolled down a 30 foot embankment from Newhall Ranch Road near Millhouse Drive in Santa Clarita on Friday, 080621. Dan Watson/The Signal

Flores said that when first responders arrived on the scene one person had already emerged from the overturned vehicle. That person did not require transport to a local hospital by paramedics, who ended their response at 5:28 p.m. 

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies examine the scene where a minivan crashed through a fence and rolled down a 30 foot embankment from Newhall Ranch Road near Millhouse Drive in Santa Clarita on Friday, 080621. Dan Watson/The Signal

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