Today, it is more important than ever to stand out in the digital space. Individual entrepreneurs and businesses have realized that content is significant, which means consumers can see a lot more content before getting their hands on you and your business.
While content is king, that’s not all. Understanding and planning the more technical aspects of online marketing is also essential. Today, digital marketing experts are at the top of many businesses.
Below, we take a look at five of the top content marketing experts you should follow.

- Gary Vaynerchuck
Vaynerchuk, or Gary Vee, is a passionate entrepreneur, speaker, author, and creator of online content-based businesses. He became very famous by adopting digital marketing techniques early. Vaynerchuk started email marketing long before anyone else and, as a result, was able to get his product directly to customers.
He is also the bestselling author of the NY Times, a member of numerous boards and organizations, and owns everything from restaurant booking apps to charity foundations. Earlier, he invested in some of the biggest online companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and Vimeo, and is showing no signs of slowing down.
- Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss is a successful and enthusiastic entrepreneur who has millions of followers on his blog and podcast, as well as a number of books on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists. His content is aimed at helping others start and grow their business, as he explains in his famous book The 4-Hour Workweek.
Ferriss has over 1.6 million Twitter followers, and his podcast episodes have been downloaded over 300 million times. His writings on personal success, health, and wellness have appeared on Medium to over 107,000 subscribers.
- Ann Handley
Handley is a passionate entrepreneur, and she has been writing since 1985, first as a journalist and then as a marketer. She made the switch to marketing in 1997, and she and her husband noticed that the Digital marketing trend was on the rise. More and more people used it, but there was still room for innovation in it.
She has become a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and chief content officer for MarketingProfs.
She was also named one of the top influencers on LinkedIn and the best thought leader by Forbes. IBM called her one of the people who are shaping the modern digital marketing world.
- Seth Godin
Over the years, Godin has inspired a lot of people on the subject of unconventional entrepreneurship. Eighteen of his books are wholesalers and are on the must-read list for anyone who owns a business. Dip and Purple Cow are two books that people will highly recommend. He is currently working on his new book; This is Marketing. You can find his writing on Media and his speeches on his YouTube channel.
- Guy Kawasaki
The self-described “chief evangelist” Kawasaki is best known for his marketing work at Apple in the 1980s and today works in the same position at online graphic design company Canva. He is also a brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz and an executive member of the Haas Business School at UC Berkeley.
In school, his first job was at a jewelry company called Nova, and after graduation, his Stanford roommate got him a job at Apple. He worked there for years before leaving, starting a few software companies, and eventually returned to the company as an Apple Fellow before joining Canva.