News release
Dancing is a “good thing,” and more and more research is pointing specifically to American folkdance, square dance, as an important tool in successful aging and good health.
The Sierra Hillbillies Square Dance Club is inviting the community to square dance classes beginning in January. According to the Sierra Hillbillies, there are many benefits from square dancing:
It’s easy: If you can walk and shake hands, you can do it.
It’s inexpensive: A dance admission is $10 or less for three-plus hours of activity — less than a movie, or gym membership.
It’s fun: You meet friends old and new, enjoy refreshments, listen to music of all kinds.
It’s local: Beginner classes take place at Valencia Meadows Park, and monthly dances take place at Valencia United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
And now thanks to a new national program, the Hillbillies’ instructor Janienne Alexander will be teaching a new “SSD” curriculum that will have you dancing throughout the area quickly and confidently.
Classes start Jan. 11 through the Santa Clarita Parks and Recreation Department, and take place on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The 10-week program costs $50. Singles and couples welcome. Casual dress. See page 43 in the winter issue of the city of Santa Clarita’s Seasons Magazine for details. Online registration is underway, and at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex. The class is sponsored by the Sierra Hillbillies Square and Round Dance Club, which has been supporting American folkdance in Santa Clarita for 55 years.