Brush fire reported in Newhall

A Los Angeles County Fire Department truck moves quickly to scene.
FILE PHOTO A Los Angeles County Fire Department truck moves quickly to scene. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

A brush fire was reported in the Newhall Pass on Monday, resulting in a quick response from the Los Angeles County Fire Department.  

The fire, dubbed the #FoothillIC, was first reported at 4:27 p.m. on Foothill Boulevard and Sierra Highway, according to Amanda Morales, a spokeswoman for the Fire Department.  

At approximately 4:50 p.m. forward progress was stopped at a quarter-acre, but a handful of small spots remained for the on-the-scene personnel to extinguish.  

 No structures were damaged and no injuries were reported, according to officials.  

As a result of the fire being on a hillside near the Sierra Highway off-ramp, the truck route on the southbound side of Interstate 5 was closed temporarily.  

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