‘Get Real: Adulting 101’ to teach Generation Z the importance of financial budgeting

The Junior Chamber International of Santa Clarita is set to host a financial budgeting workshop to educate members of Generation Z in the valley. Metro Creative

Junior Chamber International of Santa Clarita is scheduled Sept. 10 to host “Get Real: Adulting 101” to educate Generation Z on the financial means it takes to live on a monthly basis. 

The event is open to high school juniors and seniors. 

“Think the Game of Life in real life,” said Adulting 101 co-chair J.R. Hills. “Participants will get a fake identity with a career and salary. They’ll visit booths to buy goods and services essential to living, like housing, transportation and food.”  

The goal of the game is to end with money in the bank.  

Booths will be run by local businesses that represent the industry for that booth. This game is set to teach the participants the importance of budgeting. JCI Santa Clarita hopes that this event can become annual.  

JCI Santa Clarita is an organization dedicated to building young community leaders and community partners between the ages of 18 and 40, to create positive change within the community. 

The event is scheduled 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex (The Centre), 20850 Centre Pointe Parkway.  

Juniors and seniors who wish to participate can register at www.getrealscv.com. The fee for businesses interested in having a booth at the event is $200 and businesses can contact J.R. Hills at [email protected] or Kari McCoy [email protected] 

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