The William S. Hart Union High School District board of trustees decided to hold and discuss four resolutions regarding the levying and collection of special taxes, approximately $28 million, from a new community facilitates district to fund infrastructure related to a new development.
Lennar Homes of California LCC plans the development of 371 dwelling units, consisting of 175 single-family attached dwelling units, 136 detached condominium dwelling units and 60 single-family detached dwelling units in Saugus, on Bouquet Canyon Road and David Way, which will be within Hart’s district boundary.
“Staff is recommending that under action items, IX E, IX F, IX G and IX H, be pulled from tonight’s agenda,” said Ralph Peschek, assistant superintendent of business services.
Under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, community facilities districts can be formed by a public agency, such as the Hart district, to levy special taxes on homeowners or private residences for the purpose of funding services, public improvements or infrastructure. Those taxes would only be paid by residents within the district – in this case, the new development in Bouquet Canyon.
According to Peschek, in communications with the developer and property owner this week, it was determined that the mitigation agreement was agreed upon.
However, the developer is having “internal discussions.” While that doesn’t necessarily relate to the Hart district, in an abundance of caution of any potential changes, Peschek encouraged the board to hold off on the items.
The board of trustees voted to move the discussions of the resolutions at a future board meeting.