Local artist hosts art scavenger hunt

Photo courtesy of Carrie Dawn.
Photo courtesy of Carrie Dawn.

Local artist Carrie Dawn is hosting an art scavenger hunt all across Santa Clarita where participants are given the chance to find and keep one of her photographic prints. The hunt is on from Sunday till Wednesday.  

Dawn’s original photos were a reimagining of what a canvas could be. She found that her bathtub had the same bumpy texture as a canvas and the beauty within the light peeking through.  

“It was the lights coming through the blinds and creating stripes on the bottom of my bathtub,” said Dawn.  

She had found her inspiration and embraced it with full force until 2020.  

The pandemic, like many, faced her with much change. She had just gotten out of her second marriage, her substitute teaching job had been cancelled and she ended up back at her parent’s apartment, living on an air mattress on the floor.  

Both her mood and work had changed.  

One day she noticed something that had inspired her many years ago. 

“I was out of work, had lots of time on my hands, and I discovered another patch of light,” said Dawn.  

She used the light and shot through a crystal to create kaleidoscopic images.  

Photo courtesy of Carrie Gordon.
Photo courtesy of Carrie Dawn.

With a new muse, Dawn decided to hide her art all across Santa Clarita after watching a program on television one Sunday morning.  

“He (referring to the artist on the TV) decided to create these glass orbs and create a treasure hunt with them,” said Dawn. “I said, ‘I could do that too. Why not?’”  

Dawn has posted all of the hints for her treasure hunt on her Instagram, @carriedawn_art. Some of the sites she has chosen are historic Santa Clarita landmarks.  

Those who solve the clues and find the locations will be rewarded with a photograph printed on watercolor paper by Dawn. 

“I want to share my art, share my joy, share the light with others,” said Dawn. 

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