Man detained using brother’s ID, brother turns him in

The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station on Golden Valley Road.
The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station on Golden Valley Road.

On Saturday, a 34-year-old Palmdale resident was arrested on suspicion of identity theft after he allegedly used his brother’s ID during a traffic stop that resulted in his detainment, according to Natalie Arriaga, spokeswoman for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.  

The man apparently presented deputies with his brother’s ID after being pulled over for minor vehicle code violations in July 2021. A warrant was then issued for the arrest of the victim, the man’s brother, who later provided evidence to the court proving he was not the one detained during the traffic stop. 

After clearing things up with the court, he then reported the incident as a case of identity theft with SCV Sheriff’s Station deputies.  

Deputies carried out the corrected warrant on Saturday, a year and a half after the original incident. The Palmdale resident was taken into custody at the SCV Sheriff’s Station and was correctly identified using a thumbprint he provided deputies during the original traffic stop, according to Arriaga.  

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