4 Things Business Schools Don’t Teach


It’s easy to put modern academic institutions under a microscope and explore the subjects they teach. But what about the omissions? It’s worth remembering that colleges and universities can’t and don’t cover every conceivable relevant topic. So, after students log dozens of credit hours in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and statistics, how much time is left over for real-world skills like networking?

How many grads have a firm grasp on basic supply chain and transport industry concepts? In the 2020s, hiring agents for corporation’s place far more value on an applicant’s skills and temperament than on academic achievements. Plus, few programs instruct young people about the golden opportunities in the non-profit sector or warn them about the pitfalls of team-focused job approaches. Consider the following core lessons that business schools don’t teach.

Networking is the #1 Startup Success Secret

A few academic programs cover the rudiments of how to build a professional network, but young professionals usually must learn the skill on the job. For entrepreneurs who want to outlast the competition, developing an extensive list of names, email addresses, and basic contact information is one of the core factors for financial success. The solution is to take online courses and seminars that explain the vital details of how to start, maintain, and grow an industry-specific professional network. This can help too during times when you have low energy levels because you have already laid the foundation for outreach, so you don’t have to feel the pressure to grind when your mind and body need a rest.

The Transport Sector is the Heart of Modern Commerce

Fleet managers couldn’t get through a single workday without advanced IT systems. In jurisdictions like California, where there are strict emissions laws on the books, transport fleet supervisors keep a close eye on smog checks and related requirements. If you operate a government truck, van, or car fleet in California, it’s imperative to understand how to comply with dozens of smog-related rules. In addition to knowing the smog check laws, the best way to stay informed is to review a complete telematics guide that explains how owners and fleet managers can minimize the time and cost of completing required smog checks. In the transport sector, vehicle downtime costs money, so it makes sense to learn how to speed up the smog check process in every way possible.

Recruiters Place Low Priority on Academic Credentials

Job candidates love to talk up their academic achievements, but hiring agents are nearly always interested in other subjects. If you’re currently hunting for a career path position, be ready to answer common recruiter queries about job history, personal work habits, career goals, and why you want to work for that particular company. Your responses to those inquiries will play a larger role in the hiring decision than degrees, courses you took, or other academic achievements. However, it’s wise to emphasize any professional certifications you’ve earned in tech or other specialty fields. Corporate HR (human resources) prefer hands-on, relevant coursework over classroom instruction.

The Team Approach is a Losing Model for Management

Sometime in the 1970s, colleges and universities that offered bachelor’s degrees in business administration began promoting the team approach. Until that time, corporate operations focused on individual efforts and rewarded workers accordingly. The trend toward group solutions and approaches was based on a widespread cultural phenomenon of the era. Unfortunately, the outmoded and mostly unworkable team-based philosophy has become ingrained in the corporate world.

Surprisingly, modern academic institutions still teach it. In the meantime, the recent growth in small businesses and independent, all-online firms has begun to diminish the prevalence of team-oriented thinking. Those who are not tied to major corporate cultures soon discover that individual effort and responsibility serve companies’ needs much better than outdated management theories. Look for the decline of work teams over the next decade. Fresh, independent entrepreneurs move back to what works.

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