Widower author continues wife’s work of educating on bullying and harassment at work  

David's finished work of "Bullying and Harassment at Work" after his wife, Ella, passed away. Habeba Mostafa/ The Signal
David's finished work of "Bullying and Harassment at Work" after his wife, Ella, passed away. Habeba Mostafa/ The Signal

Ella Van Fleet was a teacher of entrepreneurship and small business management. One day her students raised the issue of problems in the workplace, disgruntled employees, customers and management.  

These issues were complex and she wanted to give her students a thorough answer.  

She quickly realized that the issues they presented were so much more than a few sentences.  

What they had presented to her was the idea for a book, specifically a handbook analyzing bullying and harassment in the workplace.  

The concept was so full of detail that she recruited her husband, David Van Fleet, to help her compile topics, figures, prompts and examples in efforts to prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace.  

The two began day-by-day working on the book together.  

That was until Ella Van Fleet died in 2022.  

David made the choice to continue the work they had started and finish it.  

“To honor her memory,” said David.  

“Bullying and Harassment at Work: An Innovative Approach to Understanding and Prevention,” explores bullying, harassment and unacceptable workplace behaviors while diving deeper into variables of the behaviors and why some employees become victims or bullies. The book also details that managers, management and employees can all be the source of the problem.  

A few of the topics include: bullying, harassment, when management is the problem, workplace violence, individual actions and organizational responsibility.  

When The Signal asked David why he felt that the topics he details in the book were important to put into writing, he said, “Why is it important? Because it’s still happening.”  

“The biggest thing is I think people need to feel safe at work, anything that decreases their feeling of comfort at work is something to be avoided,” said David.  

Those interested in purchasing “Bullying and Harassment at Work: An Innovative Approach to Understanding and Prevention” can do so at tinyurl.com/yrepr7hd 

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