Saugus High sends out alert regarding Snapchat post

The William S. Hart Union High School District office
The William S. Hart Union High School District office

An alert was sent out Sunday by Saugus High School officials notifying parents of a Snapchat posting that involved a “potential school safety issue.” 

It’s unknown, at the time of the publication, what the details of the social media post or what potential school safety issue it may have caused. However, according to the school’s alert, Saugus officials are investigating in coordination with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and have deemed it to be “not credible.”  

“Thank you to our conscious students who have alerted us to this posting,” read the alert. “You will most likely receive multiple communications from us today, as we want to make sure our community is updated as we move through this investigation.” 

Lt. Luis Molina, watch commander for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station, confirmed investigators were working with Saugus officials in regards to the matter.  

Molina said he could not release the details of the social media post in order to preserve the integrity of the investigation, but did say the “source of the threat” had been identified and that investigators were working to gather more information. Molina added that the station was taking the matter seriously.  

Later in the day, officials from the William S. Hart Union High School District sent out a followup message saying the threat was “not credible.” 

“The Hart district has been made aware of a social media post that made a school threat, although not to a particular school site,” read the message. “With the many tips regarding the post, law enforcement has been able to identify and engage the source of the threat. Safety is the top priority in the Hart district. The matter was taken seriously and handled swiftly, and it has been determined that the threat is not credible.” 

Schools will be open and in session on Monday, according to the message.  

This is a breaking news story and will be updated as more information becomes available.  

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