Congressman Mike Garcia, R-Santa Clarita has introduced H.R. 9308, the “No Frankenrail Act,” to put an end to the misuse of federal funds on high-speed rail projects that have been nothing but a black hole for taxpayer dollars.
This bill aims to cut off funding for any high-speed rail project that hasn’t laid a single mile of track after a decade of federal support.
“After 15 years and billions of your hard-earned tax dollars spent, California’s High-Speed Rail has delivered zero results—just broken promises and empty rhetoric,” said Rep. Garcia. “This so-called ‘high-speed’ rail hasn’t produced any rail, and it’s certainly not moving at any speed. This isn’t just fiscal irresponsibility, it’s a betrayal of the trust Californians have placed in their government.”
Rep. Garcia emphasized the need to redirect funds to projects that actually serve the community.
“This isn’t high-speed rail, it’s Frankenstein’s monster—a clumsy, costly project that’s wreaking havoc in our communities without delivering any real benefits. We need real infrastructure improvements, like expanding Metrolink and increasing freeway capacity, not wasting more money on this failure.”
The No Frankenrail Act reflects Rep. Garcia’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding taxpayer dollars. “California doesn’t need this so-called high-speed rail. It’s an expensive mess that neither the state nor the federal government can afford. It’s time to stop this wasteful spending and focus on projects that truly make a difference in our communities.”
Rep. Garcia is calling on his colleagues in Congress to support this legislation and put an end to the reckless spending on a project that has consistently failed to deliver.