Update expected later this month on Val Verde Pool repairs 

Val Verde Pool. 052224. Dan Watson/The Signal

L.A. County parks officials issued an update Wednesday for those waiting on word about the community pool problems in Val Verde as temperatures lingered in the triple digits this week. 

The local pool, which was believed to have been built in the late 1930s, has been a popular summer spot for residents, but its closure was announced in May after there were serious structural deficiencies found in the pool’s walls. 

Staff with the L.A. County Parks and Recreation Department said Wednesday morning they’re expecting to hear back from the experts looking at the problem later this month. 

“I was told we are expecting a draft engineering survey and report the last week of this month, which they will review and use to determine next steps to address the deck wall issues,” said Josh Van Gundy, a public information associate for the county’s Parks Department. 

He said estimating a timeline for repairs to the pool or its potential reopening would be premature until that report is complete, because it will let officials know the extent of the damage and the amount of the repairs needed. 

The county is looking to host a series of outreach meetings starting this weekend regarding its parks throughout Los Angeles County.  

The meetings start at Vasquez Rocks Nature Center from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday, per the schedule posted online. 
The schedule of the meetings is available here.  

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