Getting back your sense of mission

Four quick stories to set the tone for my column this week: First, at the beginning of a highly publicized college bowl game a few years ago, one of the

The Best Advice I Can Give You Today

It’s the end of August, the end of summer. Four full months left in the calendar year. 120 days. Are you ready for the final push of the year? Is

Is Your Company Primed For Growth?

Many business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs say that they want to increase revenues and profits, but how ready are their organizations really? Growing anything requires much more than making a

The Five Steps to Becoming an Owner

This isn’t a how to column on what you need to do to become a successful business owner. It’s about how you can become a better person in business and

A better life means a better business

For far too many business owners, their business is their life. These owners work far too many hours, don’t get enough exercise, and have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

It’s time for the CEO’s mid-year review

Conducting periodic review and planning sessions, based on what has and hasn’t happened so far in 2017, is a critical part of success. Late June is a great time to

On Business & Life: How to build better managers

Papa John’s Pizza has a saying that they use in their marketing: Better Ingredients, Better Pizza. Chances are, you aren’t in the pizza business. You’re in the business of creating