
Linda Crawford dances during a hoedown hosted at the SCV Senior Center in Newhall. Signal file photo.

Your SCV Senior Center

The “new” Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center Bella Vida will celebrate its fifth anniversary in April.  The center, which serves more than 15,000 SCV seniors

Don’t Ignore This Piece of Mail

If you’re 65, there is one piece of mail you shouldn’t ignore this month  Are you or someone you love on Medicare? As the annual

Exercise Like a Senior Athlete 

It’s vital to stay active as you age, but how can you keep working toward your fitness goals during the sweltering summer heat? Exercising outdoors

A SECOND WIND A Hopeful Spring

By Mary Petersen Signal Staff Writer It’s Spring! When nature revives after the cold winter months. Trees blossom, daffodils shoot up to surprise us and

‘Life Is Brutiful’

By Mary Petersen Signal Staff Writer My friend’s husband is in the hospital. He has had various tests, procedures and biopsies for the last few

When weight loss may be worrisome

Dieting is a way of life for many people. The Boston Medical Center says an estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year,

Healthy eating options for seniors

“Let food be thy medicine” is a quote attributed to Hippocrates, the ancient scholar considered to be the father of modern medicine. The saying relates

Life lessons from Aunt Elaine

By Mary Petersen My husband’s Aunt Elaine is turning 95 this month. Forty-nine years ago when he moved to California, he stayed with Aunt Elaine’s