Autumn in My Heart

‘Autumn.’ Artwork by Saugus resident and artist Naomi Young. Courtesy photo

Walking under trees in between groves,

stepping on piled leaves on winding roads,

I looked around me and discovered

that the trees are naked and uncovered.

Their leaves are blowing in the wind,

being tossed in the air and softly land

in such magnificent colors that never end!

In yellow, orange, browns, rusts and reds,

deep purple and green as carpet they spreads.


Like the leaves, my thoughts get swept off the ground,

I’m pondering of upper worlds and my world around,

about life on earth and its mystery,

temptations, evil inclinations, sins and misery…

wondering about the leaves, the forbidden fruit, pain and loving,

piles of lies, betrayals, jealousy and conniving.


…”And the serpent was sly beyond any beast of the field…”

…”And Man is cunning in his nakedness…”

My thoughts wander deep, into the past they go,

where I walk past the tree of life, that one you know,

reliving that old experience of long time ago…

I sample from the tree of knowledge as a matter of fact,

simple and tasteful matters, getting smart, just like that!


…” And they realized that they were naked and they sewed together a fig leaf”…


And when I become aware of my opinion

on God, trees, animals and man’s dominion

all that is cruel, sad, and  inhuman

torn and bad in God’s domain,

and how silent we remain,

I tear inside me and I tear…


My thoughts fly up high, they’re very swift

as the leaves blowing in the whistling wind; I too, drift

and leaf through the pages of my life, pondering my place

in this vast, enormous and amazing space called universe,


Autumn is time to turn a new leaf and know

that in spite of the harsh winters that come and go,

It’s time to welcome changes that the wind might blow

so we can grow.


that after the trees decay in the fall

they continue to grow,

Like them, we too, fall

get up again and stand tall.

that’s how we grow!


The season’s change is like an invitation

for rejuvenation and a chance to take a new direction.

Autumn is time to shed old layers of solitude

and grow new seeds of love and gratitude.


Days of growth will come with blooms in the spring,

new blossoms and joy they’ll bring.

Believe that we’ll love again from the depth of our hearts

and show that together we can have a fresh new start.


It’s time for a renewal and rebirth

with our magnificent earth.


Once again, another autumn is flying by

as I am watching the colorful leaves fly high.

I’m surrounded and enveloped by them, them, softly caressing

and lovingly counting  my blessings…

I’m already longing to bask in the glory of it all

and yearning to see the splendor of the next fall!

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