Holiday outings have changed a bit for us. No more Santa visits at the mall, or getting in the car to drive around and look at lights. Our kids are grown and they are busy with their own lives. But we still decorate the outside of the house with some lights, although the amount of lights has thinned over the years. Our tree is still decorated with ornaments that have been collected over the years, even with the Popsicle stick snowmen ornaments that the kids made in elementary school.
On December 1, I still hang the same fabric Christmas tree advent calendar that we have enjoyed for over 25 years with each pocket containing Hershey’s Kisses. We also have a Playmobil advent calendar that lets you decorate Santa’s Workshop. Every day you unwrap tools, furniture, animals and Santa himself. I still like this one.
Years ago we would attend midnight mass or a candlelight service on December 24. The kids were younger then and we always carried home two sleepy kids, put them in their pajamas and tucked them in bed. Then, Santa would come.
In the past few years we have had to attend earlier services to avoid having the kids carry home a very sleepy Mom and Dad. We just can’t stay up that late anymore. Honestly, I don’t know how Santa does it.
Until next week,