Gwendolyn Sims: Will the GOP ‘Take America back’?


In 14 days, Donald J. Trump will ride into the White House atop a historic wave of American anger fueled by the tyrannical liberal policies of the past eight years.

In doing so, he’ll have control of both houses of Congress, along with a majority of state legislatures and 31 governorships. While I didn’t vote for President-elect Trump, I’m happy to admit the future of America currently looks, well, great.

But the question remains, will the GOP truly and sincerely engage to help President Trump make it so?

Or will the GOP continue the fraudulent and failed RINO bipartisanship policies of the past?

That this is even still a question means it’s crucial we conservatives be vigilant as we guide President Trump in the direction that best represents our principles and protects our liberty well into the future.

The GOP must not get caught up cheering on President Trump’s every pronouncement and praising his every action as the Second Coming, but we also must not unnecessarily obstruct him.

Even with all that GOP control, we must consistently steer President Trump to the right to prevent him lurching left, as he’s naturally inclined to do. It’s no secret the Democrats will try to hamper us at every turn, so we must not allow him to surrender to them under the guise of compromise.

Will the next four years be easy? Not likely. History tells us where ideology is concerned, the left never stops, never gives up.

We can be sure Barack Obama and his leftist minions will be there to criticize and undermine the Trump administration every step of the way. Obama will not go quietly into the night as his all-important “legacy” is dismantled; therefore, the GOP must be ready to counterpunch in support of Trump and his policies.

Now begins the time when we Republicans must hold President Trump and Congress accountable. Now is the time for action, not reaction.

Our GOP representatives were sent to Washington, D.C., with a mandate from The People to “shake things up” and to “drain the swamp” so America may be made great again.

We can “Make America Great Again” by having more liberty and less government. It is, however, up to the GOP and us citizens to make sure they do just that. We are the only ones who can pick up the pieces of liberty and nurture it back to health — and we can do so informed by our conservative principles because we know on a fundamental level that liberty is the only cure for the poison that is tyrannical liberalism.

To that end, it’s imperative that President Trump gets to work as quickly as possible to “restore prosperity to our country, secure our communities and bring honesty to our government” by implementing at least these five policies:

1. Cancel every unconstitutional Obama Executive Order – any EO implemented by a phone and a pen can be rescinded by the same. Getting back to constitutional governance is a good idea and a huge step in the right direction.

2. Replace Justice Scalia – picking a viable nominee from the Supreme Court nominee list is absolutely vital. There’s no question that President Trump must find a solid conservative replacement “who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

3. Repeal/replace Obamacare – fully repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts; allow the purchase of health insurance across state lines; allow states to manage Medicaid funds; cut FDA red tape for drug approval.

4. Reduce/remove regulations – lift burdensome environmental and structural roadblocks for industries, agriculture and energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, that have been unnecessarily delayed for too long.

5. Immigration reform and enforcement – end “sanctuary cities and states” by canceling all federal funds to them; remove criminal illegal immigrants; suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot reasonably be done; secure the U.S. border; enforce existing immigration laws.

While these are not the only policies that need to be implemented, they are five policies the GOP should have no qualms about supporting. We have to start somewhere, after all.

One thing is certain: While the Trump years won’t be easy, they will be unforgettable — and likely highly productive — if the GOP truly decides to help President Trump make it so.

Gwendolyn Sims is a project manager at Stark Social Media and a Santa Clarita resident of nearly 20 years.

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