Canyon High School student Mackenzie Krestul’s charity, Code Read, held its first book fair on January 19, at Manzanita Elementary in Palmdale. Students, who had the opportunity to earn “Book Bucks,” were able to trade them in for new books provided by Code Read.
Founded in May 2016, Code Read is an advocate for literacy in low income communities, and aims to encourage a lifelong love of reading. Statistics show that children from impoverished households have access to fewer books at home, compared to financially stable peers. As a result, they do not perform as well on achievement tests. By distributing free books to children from low-income families, Code Read hopes to provide every child with an equal opportunity to increase their academic growth through reading.
Fueled by her own passion for reading, founder Mackenzie Krestul desires to share its positive impact with those who need it most. With the support of her family, Mackenzie created a Go
Fund Me account to raise money to cover the fees to incorporate and apply for 501c3 status.
With book grants and donations from charities such as The Molina Foundation and First Book, they have accumulated over 2,000 new books for students in need. They plan to continue to work with schools in the Palmdale school district, and hope to reach as many students as possible in their mission to promote literacy and a love of reading.
About Code Read: Code Read was founded in 2016, by 16 year old student, Mackenzie Krestul. Code Read’s mission is to provide recreational books to elementary school children in low income communities. By providing books to children who would otherwise not be able to afford them, we hope to increase literacy and foster a lifetime love of reading.