Footprints in Pink of Santa Clarita, has reached across the ‘pond’ for some inspiration. Sarah Pickles, an Amazon best author, breast cancer survivor and resident of Winsford, England has collaborated with Footprints in Pink to unite pink sisters all across this country. Her book ‘The Shock Factor – Sarah’s Story beating breast cancer one day at a time’ was sent to America with the intention of starting a one of a kind book club, the ‘Pink Sister Traveling Book Club.’
Her book was published on December 14, 2016 and within hours reached the number one best seller on Amazon. It is a true story of her breast cancer journey.
“Hopefully my story can give people a little bit of hope to hang onto in those times when it feels like nothing is going right,” says Pickles.
The book aims to be a self-help book, giving tips and advice on diet, exercise, health and beauty to breast cancer patients and their families. Sarah, wrote most of the book first hand while she was going through treatment.
Footprints in Pink’s Traveling Pink Sister Book Club allows breast cancer patients the chance to read this book. Footprints in Pink asks each ‘pink sister’ to read the book within two weeks, leave a note in the book for the next sister and send it forward. This book has now traveled thousands of miles. Its journey so far has been England to California, California to Tennessee, Tennessee to Indianapolis, Indianapolis to Texas, Texas to Michigan, Michigan to Iowa, Iowa to Arkansas and Arkansas to its current state of Maine.
No one should go through cancer alone. This book brings together pink sisters, helps patients through a rough time and allows pink sisters to connect to others.
There is a waiting list to receive the book and it is ever growing, but all pink sisters are encouraged to add themselves to the list. If you would like to be put on the list, please email Footprints in Pink at [email protected] and send your address. If you would like to buy the book please place your order on Amazon.