“Giving Cancer The Boot,” the ACS SCV Unit’s 2017 Relay For Life will be held on Saturday May 20 at Central Park. Beginning at 9 a.m., the western flair event – which lasts 24-hours, because “cancer never sleeps” – features abundant camaraderie, live music/performances, speakers, education, games, raffles, boutiques, food trucks, and much more.
Devoted to “Finishing the Fight against Cancer,” Relay begins with an emotional and inspiring ceremony dedicated to survivors, followed by the Survivor First Lap. Throughout the day, activities continue across Relay’s sprawling park greenery, outlined with individually themed campsites. In the evening, the luminaria ceremony will feature speakers and a poignant candle-lit walk along the glowing luminaria bag-placed pathway. This powerful walk offers family members and friends a chance to grieve together while experiencing the communal comfort of Relay. Also featured that night is the “Glow in The Park” 5K Fun Run at midnight in which glow stick-carrying walkers and runners light the way. The late night fun continues with a Silent Disco.
“You can feel the excitement in the air when it’s Relay For Life time,” declared longtime ACS volunteer and Leadership Council member, Nancy Coulter. “Our event is so much fun and is the culmination of a year’s planning to celebrate everyone touched by cancer, and our dedicated work in supporting the American Cancer Society.”
Relay is a major generator of research funds to help the ACS find a cure for cancer, noted Coulter, whose daughter Heather Warrick courageously battled metastatic breast cancer for 19 years and died from the disease three years ago at age 43.
“These efforts also help provide free ACS programs and services for everyone who needs them within our community, added Coulter, who was recently received the 2016 Statewide Excellence Award for Volunteer Lifetime Achievement.
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The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
Giving cancer “the boot” is a vital imperative. Among mankind’s maladies, cancer is one of the most challenging and difficult scourges to battle. This year alone, nearly 1,700,000 new cancer cases will be diagnosed and 600,920 people will die from the disease. In its 24/7 quest to better prevent, treat and cure cancer, ACS conducts a variety of cancer awareness activities and fundraisers. Relay For Life, the ACS’ signature outdoor team-walking fundraiser provides major operating income for the non-profit. Here in the SCV, no-cost ACS services include rides to oncology appointments, free wigs, and many programs designed to help cancer patients.
For further Relay For Life 2017 information please visit www.scvrelay.org
For 24/7 American Cancer Society information: 800-227-2345.
The ACS’ main website, which has helped more than 25 million people find the information they need is: www.cancer.org.