Holiday Spirit of Giving

Cheryl Jones, Child& Family Center VP, accepts $1300.00 donation from Sandy Manning Auxiliary member. Courtesy photo

By Jean La Corte, Santa Clarita Contributor

The Child & Family Center Ladies Auxiliary got into the Holiday spirit by helping some local families in need. The Ladies made a donation, to the Centers Vice President Cheryl Jones, in the amount of $1,300.00 to purchase Gift Cards for local teens during the holidays. The money is raised from quarterly hosted Phony Pony nights the ladies attend in addition to monies donated by the ladies at their November meeting. The Teen Card Program has been in operation for several years. Sandra Manning, an auxiliary member, has been vital in organizing and maintaining the Teen Holiday Gift card program.

In addition, the group sponsored two families for Christmas. One was a family of three who received toys, clothing, and gift cards to local stores and a single woman starting out on her own who received gift cards and an array of personal need products. Harley Zugbaum, Marketing and Community Outreach at the Center, helped the Auxiliary match the families with their donations.
Jean La Corte, Ladies Auxiliary chairperson, said, “This is a very generous and supportive group of women who donate their time and financial support to help families that would not have the benefit of a holiday experience”. Their on- going fund raising efforts throughout the year help to provide the Child & Family Center with learning and training materials and special programs. Anyone interested in joining the Auxiliary can reach Jean La Corte at 973-632-0265 for further information.

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