Hart Board to accept scholarship grant from Newhall Family Foundation

The William S. Hart Union High School District. Dan Watson/The Signal
The William S. Hart Union High School District. Dan Watson/The Signal

In late-November, the William S. Hart Union High School District received a $149,000 grant from the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation to support a scholarship program for the district’s college-bound graduates.

The Hart Governing Board is expected to approve and accept the grant for the scholarship program during its meeting Wednesday.

This grant from the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation will support scholarships awarded to senior students at the Hart District’s six comprehensive high schools and four alternative high schools.

“These are all for scholarships for individual students so they compete for them at each of the schools and like any scholarship,” Governing Board Clerk Steve Sturgeon said.  “It provides them with a level of support for the college they apply to.”

Sturgeon noted that the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation has made grant donations to the Hart District for these student scholarships for about 30 years.  During this time, the foundation has awarded the Hart District with more than $1 million in grants for student scholarships.

This year, a total of $144,000 in scholarships will be distributed across all of the district’s comprehensive high school with students at each site receiving a total of $24,000 in scholarships, according to the agenda item.

At each school site, one student will receive $5,000, two will receive $4,000, two will receive $3,000 and two will receive $2,500.

The district’s four alternative high schools—Academy of the Canyons, Bowman High School, Learning Post/Hart @ Home and Sequoia School—will each receive one scholarship grant for $1,250.

Representatives from the Santa Clarita Valley Scholarship Foundation (SCVSF) will be responsible for selecting the winners of the scholarships, whose names will be presented to the Governing Board in June 2018.

Approximately 46 students in the Hart District are expected to receive one of the scholarships.

Appointments, Elections

The Governing Board is also expected to elect its new president, clerk and assistant clerk for the upcoming year.

It is also expected to appoint the district’s new Chief Administrative Officer and Director/Coordinator of Special Programs and Staff Development.

Board members are also expected to hold a public hearing for its intended appointee, Ronda Chobanian, to the district’s Personnel Commission.

The Personnel Commission follows provisions of the California Education Code and the Government Code and is responsible for the management of personal functions related to classified service.

These functions include: recruitment, testing, selection, classification, the development and administration of rules and regulations pertaining to employment, appeals from disciplinary action, and other matters within the Commission’s authority.

If approved, Chobanian will serve a three-year term beginning Dec. 1.

Finally, the Governing Board is also expected to nominate individuals to serve as a Region 22 representative on the California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly

This assembly “provides policy direction for the CSBA, elects officers and ensures that the association reflects the interests of school districts and county offices of education,” according to its website.

If appointed, these individuals will serve a two-year term from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2020.

Currently, Governing Board member Steven Sturgeon is serving as a CSBA Delegate for Region 22.  His term is set to expire in 2019.

Additional Agenda Items

  • Recognize coaches and athletes, Canyon High School junior Ethan Danforth and West Ranch High School freshman Zoe Campos, for being named Foothill League CIF Southern Section and State Champions
  • Approve of Single Plans for Student Achievement for Sequoia School, Bowman High School, Golden Valley High School, La Mesa Junior High School and Placerita Junior High School
  • Ratify amendment No.4 to purchase agreement and escrow instructions with Romero Cyn, LLC and Romero Cyn II, LLC
  • Approve of Memorandum of Understanding with the Hart District Teachers Association to allow six period teaching assignments in physical education at Rancho Pico Junior High School
  • Approve of Memorandum of Understanding with the California School Employee Association Chapter 349 about the Nov. 6 Board Layoff Resolution

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