Gil Mertz: Exploiting another tragedy

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Within hours of the murders committed by Dimitrios Pagourtzis in Sante Fe, Texas Democrats moved quickly to exploit yet another tragedy to score political points by blaming President Trump and anyone who supports the NRA. As bodies were being pulled from the carnage, Andrew Cuomo tweeted the following:

“Columbine. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Las Vegas. Orlando. Parkland. And now, Santa Fe.

When is enough enough? How many more innocent people have to die before you act?

You were elected to lead – do something. Your first responsibility is to the people of this country, not the NRA – do something. My heart breaks for the families who have to grieve from this needless violence – DO SOMETHING.”

There are so many things wrong with Mr. Cuomo’s despicable tweet. Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook happened on Obama’s watch and Cuomo said nothing.

His perverted question about how many more innocent people have to die suggests that these murders are somehow condoned by his political opponents.

He whines that others need to DO SOMETHING, but offers NOTHING. Mr. Cuomo can’t even mention a single law that would have prevented this tragedy. No assault weapon was used but it doesn’t stop partisans like Cuomo to try to cash-in politically.

And of course, he must drag in the NRA bogeyman. This is the same party that passionately defends Planned Parenthood that ends nearly 1,000 lives every day but obsesses over the NRA.

While Cuomo never mentions the name of the shooter solely responsible for these murders, he blames President Trump and NRA supporters for this mass shooting.

Disgraceful political windbags like Cuomo represent everything people hate about politics.

Gil Mertz
Former Santa Clarita Valley resident

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