Brett Haddock: Open letter to council candidates

Santa Clarita City Hall is located on the 23900 block of Valencia Blvd. File Photo

It seems the discourse for everything political has become so divisive, so heated, that we are unable to even entertain ideas or positions that may be contrary to our own. We seem to be more divided than ever, with everyday conversations being injected with our individual partisan biases. Our elected officials on every level are not immune from this, often partaking in discord themselves or by hired proxy.

We need to find a way to get to common ground where issues can be discussed, where we can talk about what we are for, instead of what we are against. What can I, as a candidate, do better? Change should start on a local level.

Here is my proposal: the week following the closure of the candidate filing period, we meet at a local restaurant. Candidates and their significant others only, no media, no extraneous personnel. Each candidate is responsible for their own incurred bill, but we sit together and have a civil discussion; not about our candidacy or campaign, but about who we are. Sharing our stories and our love for the City of Santa Clarita. My one request is that we take a candidates-only photo; just something to show that we were all able to get together and have a peaceful meal.

I will be inviting each candidate individually, in addition to this open letter. The place and time will be confidential.

We can start with our local race, demonstrating change can happen and politics can be civil. It starts with us, I sincerely hope you’ll join me.

Brett Haddock
Candidate for Santa Clarita City Council

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