Mr. (Brian) Baker repeats twice in his (Aug. 24) column that he knows the values of a majority of people in his district and valley, yet provides no evidence. Worse, he continually gives people with whom he disagrees names of his own invention, usually calling them “Democratic socialists” or “radical socialists.” Now there are candidates who call themselves socialists, and others call themselves progressive, and others call themselves liberals or decline to state. Baker does not have the right responsibly to call candidates by names he has invented.
Yet, he continues to label and insult people in all his numerous columns, even calling one a “crackpot”! Having an intelligent conversation about the issues of the two candidates for 25th District representative is beyond Baker’s capability. He lauds Rep. Steve Knight’s vote for the tax bill and “the economic boom we are enjoying.”
Who is this “we”? I know a lot of people who are not enjoying any boom in their economics. This bill is adding $1.8 trillion to the debt, putting Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block. Other positions Baker lauds are not popular with the majority of Americans. I suspect Santa Clarita Valley residents are not extremists.
I have thanked Rep. Knight for joining the House Climate Solutions Caucus and have asked him to lead in that caucus in advancing a bill to place a fee on carbon. Over time, that would reduce greenhouse gases and help stabilize our climate.
Baker has not credited Rep. Knight with his yes votes on many of President Trump’s and Republican caucus issues: limiting abortion, environment, foreign affairs, guns, abolishing Obamacare, immigration, oil and gas extraction, science, technology and communication, among others. These votes have given Knight a rating of 0 out of 5 by the Alliance for Retired Americans, civil and human rights organizations, National Education Association, Planned Parenthood, League of Conservation Voters, gun control groups, etc., while earning a 93 from the NRA, 94 from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and 100 from the National Right to Life (anti-abortion group) and the American Farm Bureau. Let voters decide which organizations they trust.
Lastly, it is true that Katie Hill has not held office before and therefore does not have that experience. I would not presume, as Baker does, to tell her who her mentors should be. Let her decide that. Many voters have been disturbed by the House’s inability to act on behalf of decency and integrity and would like a new voice on the hill.
Perhaps Hill should have a turn on the hill?
Roselva Ungar
Santa Clarita