Thomas Oatway | Lovell’s Rant Commits the Exact Outrage That She Demeans

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Terri Lovell (Aug. 11 commentary in The Signal) railed against progressives and the Left, while asserting that they “will remain in a perpetual state of outrage until they gain control of this country.” 

While doing so, Ms. Lovell exhibits the same level of outrage that she demeans. It is this kind of exclusivism that imperils her tribe, the GOP, as a declining minority party.

Whereas Republicans should be welcoming to minorities, and tolerant of cultures other than the button-down conservatives of past generations, she practices exclusivity and bigotry.  This has not been a successful strategy, especially in California, where her party is becoming a non-factor in local and statewide politics. 

Who was the last Republican that was elected to statewide office? I honestly cannot recall, unless it was Arnold Schwarzenegger.

She targets progressive socialists, drag queens and student protesters. College professors are accused of indoctrinating students away from “traditional class subjects” and instead into progressive subjects, “like gender studies and the ideology of hatred for America.” 

This generalization certainly does not apply to the vast majority of college educators or students that I have encountered in my experiences as an industry advisor to engineering programs at California State University, Northridge, and other local institutions.

Ms. Lovell would be well advised to not make inflammatory statements that demean everyone who is not aligned with her own close-minded political and cultural philosophy.

The party that she represents needs to be more inviting, not exclusive, in attracting new voters.  In a more perfect world, those like Ms. Lovell will represent a declining voice that will eventually be replaced by moderate, more tolerant conservatives who appeal to the broad demographic population of America.

Thomas Oatway


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