Hundreds of Santa Clarita Valley residents are expected once again to break bread together at multiple, free Thanksgiving dinners, including one at Newhall Community Center.
The city of Santa Clarita is set to host its annual dinner event from 5-7 p.m. at the center, located at 22421 Market St., on Monday, Nov. 19.
Last year, more than 300 people of all ages, including participants at the Community Center and the SCV Senior Center, served and feasted alongside each other.
Residents can expect the same this year, with a free dinner complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and dessert, the city said in a news release Tuesday.
No reservations are required for this event.
For more information about the dinner at Newhall Community Center, contact Cynthia Muir, community services supervisor at (661) 286-4006.
Other free Thanksgiving events:
Castaic community Thanksgiving dinner
A free dinner for all members of the community. Dinner to be served on a first-come, first-serveD basis. Event will include a traditional meal and activities for children. Scheduled from 4 to 8 p.m. on Nov. 18 at Castaic Regional Sports Complex, located at 31230 Castaic Rd.
Thanksgiving for seniors 50 and up
Castaic Lions Club and William S. Hart School District to host a free event for SCV seniors ages 50 and up at 10 a.m. on Nov. 22. Food and entertainment will be offered at the SCV Senior Center, located at 22900 Market St. For reservations call (661) 259-9444.