City seeking volunteers for 2019 Santa Clarita Marathon

Racing bibs are given out to registrants of the Santa Clarita Half Marathon at the Health and Fitness Expo the day before the race on Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017. Christian Monterrosa/ The Signal

The city of Santa Clarita is seeking volunteers for the upcoming 2019 Santa Clarita Marathon races. 

The event, currently in its 24th year, will include a 5K race and 10K race on Saturday, Nov. 2, followed by the Mayor’s Walk, Half Marathon and Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 3.

Volunteers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the popular race and are needed to man water stations, serve as “course monitors” to make sure runners are going in the right direction and “zone captains” to oversee monitors. Residents interested in volunteering can sign up at A volunteer orientation is scheduled for Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. at The Centre.

Online registration for races is ongoing until Sunday, Oct. 27, while in-person registration will be available during a Health and Fitness Expo only. Runners will not be able to register the morning of any race.

The public is encouraged to cheer on runners at various points along the course on both days. Street closures and times will be announced once they are confirmed, the city said in a news release. In the meantime, Santa Clarita residents can familiarize themselves with course maps online. 

For questions regarding volunteering, call 661-250-3708 or email [email protected]. To learn more about the Santa Clarita Marathon and register for a race, visit

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