Deputies investigating report of stolen truck in Canyon Country

LA County deputies investigate alleged stolen vehicle that turned into a suspect containment near Jason Drive and Via Princessa , Nov. 6, 2019. GIlbert BernalThe Signal

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies are investigating a report of a stolen truck off Jakes Way in Canyon Country.

“At 8:30 this morning, a victim reported that his Chevy S10 pickup truck was stolen from the area of Sandy Drive and Jakes Way,” said Lt. Eric Lasko of the SCV Sheriff’s Station, “in front of his residence.”

The victim apparently ran inside to get something from his home and his truck was taken, according to a statement given at the scene. 

The owner of the truck, who wished to remain anonymous, said the truck was in the garage, and when he came out to leave for work, it was gone. 

“Approximately 10 minutes later, it was discovered that the stolen truck was found, and it had been crashed near Via Princessa and Jason Drive,” Laskio said. “Deputies are currently searching the area for any possible suspects.”

They’re believed to be looking for two individuals, but no description of the suspects was available at this time. 

The owner of the truck said he saw two individuals running up a nearby mountain and believes they live close by. 

There is currently a containment effort set up near where the car was reported stolen off Jakes Way.

Anyone with information about the crime is asked to call the Sheriff’s Station at 661-255-1121.

This is a breaking news story and more information will be posted as it becomes available.

Gilbert Bernal contributed to this report.

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