Fundraising efforts for Saugus High continue

Poster boards honoring the victims of the Saugus High Shooting rest at the front of the Hart Governing Board room Wednesday night. Caleb Lunetta / The Signal.

In the aftermath of the shooting that left three students dead and three others wounded Nov. 14 at Saugus High School, numerous organizations, businesses and individuals have offered support and donations to help the victims and the Saugus community heal. 

A summary of many of these efforts was published Wednesday and can be viewed online at:

In addition, the following are among the many events and measures that community members have taken to support the Saugus High community:

Grace Baptist Church

Starting on the day of the shooting, Grace Baptist’s campus off Copper Hill Drive provided logistical and moral support for those impacted by the shooting.

According to Pastor David W. Hegg, who writes the “Ethically Speaking” column for The Signal, Grace Baptist became involved almost immediately after the shooting when law enforcement officials brought potential witnesses to Grace Baptist to be interviewed there. 

“Thursday night (Nov. 14), we held a service of prayer, music, encouragement from the Bible,” Hegg said, adding more than 1,200 people attended. “Hundreds of students and their parents hung out until 10:30 p.m. in our Student Center with our Youth Ministry staff while hundreds of parents and their students stayed for a seminar by Dr. Elizabeth Ramquist, who we brought in. She is an expert in the trauma of school shootings.”

On the day after the shooting, the Hart District used the Grace Baptist campus for grief counseling, and Saugus faculty members were there for several hours, sharing stories, tears, encouragement and generally debriefing, Hegg said. At the request of the William S. Hart Union High School District, the church was open for grief counseling sessions on the weekend after the shooting. 

During that same weekend, Hegg said, “We took an offering in all four services for the victims’ families, including the mother of the shooter. Currently that amounts to $32,000, with more still coming in. We are working with the Hart District to make contact with the families and get them the funds without barging into their lives.”

Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill

Team members from the Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill in Stevenson Ranch generated and contributed 100% of their tips on Wednesday to support those impacted by the shooting at Saugus High School.

Brian Gonzalez, manager partner of the restaurant, said more than 45 team members worked on Wednesday and decided to offer their tips. From that day, between the company contribution and the team’s gratuities, they raised $20,000. Gonzalez said the restaurant provided the environment, but the staff did the rest of the labor.

“I can’t stress this enough, they are the ones that facilitated and put everything they could,” Gonzalez said. “They did that. We provided the space.”

Erika Haeussler, graphic designer and team member of the restaurant, created a flier for the cause and posted it on social media. Other team members also shared on their social media. Gonzalez believes the power of social media is what caused Wednesday to be a success. 

“They came up with the idea, they came up with the flier,” Gonzalez said. “They shared it with all their social media” including Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. 

The restaurant will be donating a check to Saugus High. 

Gonzalez has been working for the restaurant since 2006. He feels fortunate and lucky to be working along with the staff and said they will be on the lookout for their community. “When something like this happens we are willing to step up.”

Fear is a Liar event at Faith Community Church 

Logan Cole, a student who survived a school shooting in 2017, is speaking at Faith Community Church on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. to discuss hope and healing after experiencing a school shooting. 

“We are excited to bring Logan here to our valley, because he has personally experienced the effects of a school shooting,” said Pastor Steve Jackson. “While all of us can, and should, minister to those who are hurting as a result of the Saugus High School shooting, we believe Logan’s perspective will be uniquely beneficial to students and families alike.” 

After Cole’s message, a Q&A session will be held with Youth Pastor Jared Kingsley. 

To learn more about the Fear is a Liar event, visit

The Backyard Grub N’ Brews

Join The Backyard Grub N’ Brews on Dec. 7 for a day of fundraising for the families of the Saugus High victims, where 50% of all proceeds are expected to be donated to the affected families.

The Mojo Filter Blues have also donated their time to provide some live entertainment and are set to play on the patio from 12:30-3:30 p.m.

The Backyard Grub N’ Brews is scheduled to be open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7, and is located at 26509 Golden Valley Road. To learn more about the fundraiser, call 661-286-1165.

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