Lois Eisenberg | Grand Canyon in Danger?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I submitted a letter to the editor to The Signal (Nov. 1) commemorating the Grand Canyon’s 100th anniversary, and praised all of its magnificence — not realizing at the time that the Grand Canyon is endangered by pollution.

Uranium mining risks contamination of precious water sources, and proposed development threatens the springs and the natural, cultural and scenic values of the canyon, according to the Grand Canyon Trust.

We can’t allow this to happen to this marvel of magnificence. Within its walls the Grand Canyon can be awesome, terrifying and at the same time it can humble you.

The Grand Canyon Trust and others who cherish the Grand Canyon are trying to preserve its beauty.

Those who have visited the Grand Canyon and those who will visit the Grand Canyon should put their best foot forward in protecting the Grand Canyon.

Don’t let pollution take over the beauty of this precious God-given glorious chasm.

Lois Eisenberg


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