Big changes make 2020 the year to go solar

Santa Clarita Valley Business Journal

By Marc Salata, Director of Marketing, Green Convergence

So, the neighbors have gotten solar, and you’re still wondering whether it’s right for you? It’s time to have a conversation with an experienced solar consultant, because big changes are coming. 

Solar is more affordable thanks to a government rebate program called the Investment Tax Credit, or ITC. From 2015-19, 30% of the cost of your solar installation came back as a rebate on the following year’s taxes, even on financed systems. This year, the ITC is stepping down 4%, and will continue to drop in 2021, before expiring completely for residential customers. 

With this reduction, every solar installer is going to see a mad rush of customers wanting systems installed before the end of the year. Because of permitting, utility approval and other factors, the installation window can take 45-60 days. If you want to be sure to get the full rebate, you should be talking to an experienced solar dealer/installer as soon as possible.

But it’s winter — you’re not using your air conditioning. The pool pump is barely on. The kids are at school during the day, and not at home using electricity like it’s free. Why should you worry about this now?

Because now is the time to rack up electricity credits. The sun is shining most days, generating more electricity than you will use.  This effectively makes your electric meter run backwards.  You can head into summer with credits in your account and be prepared for the high summer bills before they come.

But how do you know what solar installer to pick?

The panels are only part of the equation. Be sure to look closely at who will be putting them on your most treasured asset — your home. A reputable solar dealer like Valencia’s SunPower by Green Convergence will work with you to customize a solar array that meets your usage patterns and the uniqueness of your home. You should also make sure your installer uses licensed electricians and roofing experts. Professionals with expertise in these areas can move vent pipes so you don’t have a checkerboard pattern of panels. They can run conduit through your attic, so it doesn’t add unsightly pipes along the roof. They can talk to you about special roof types like Spanish tile or standing seem metal. They can keep your home looking beautiful while you save money.

For more information, visit or call (661) 294-9495. ν

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