Juanita Fitzgerald | Looking Forward to Seeing Some Facts

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

You have done a good job of covering the COVID-19 news restating what they say on TV. I think maybe it’s time to report some facts we can’t get on TV. 

• How many people per capita have died from previous pandemics we have managed to live through without the need of quarantine?

• How many people have died from natural causes this year, as opposed to last year?

• What happened to the flu that was supposed to be so bad this year?

It seems like politics as usual, “forget the Bill of Rights!”

My mom was quarantined in the early 1900s with smallpox, houses were quarantined only if someone was ill. If you left you couldn’t go back in, but the whole world wasn’t under lockdown.

If this is really like a plague, then show us some facts to make sense of it.

Ninety-two percent (your statistic, not mine) of people who died have had underlying medical conditions. That says a lot. Also, with a population in L.A. County of 10 million people, only 0.23% have been diagnosed as positive, less than one-quarter of a percent. Why the panic?

Looking forward to seeing some facts in your paper soon.

Juanita Fitzgerald

Santa Clarita

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