GoFundMe page set up for SCV deputy whose home burned down

The Ayala family. Courtesy photo.

A GoFundMe.com page has been set up on behalf of Deputy Ayala from the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station, whose house burned down Saturday.  

Officials at the SCV Sheriff’s Station on Monday did not provide further information about the incident that led to the deputy’s home burning down, but confirmed the details provided within the fundraiser’s online description.  

“He’s very well-liked,” said Deputy Natalie Arriaga, a spokeswoman for the SCV Sheriff’s Station. “He’s very patient and caring of his partners.” 

The GoFundMe page, which was created on Sunday, said Ayala and his fiancĂ©e had welcomed a daughter into their home in late January of this year.  

“They had eagerly prepared everything in their home for her welcoming,” the page read. “Thanks to God none of them were injured.” 

Arriaga did not confirm the location of the home that burned down over the weekend, but said it was not in the SCV. Ayala has been working at the SCV Sheriff’s Station for the past four years as a patrol deputy, and since learning of the situation, many of Ayala’s colleagues have already started to purchase replacement items, Arriaga said.  

“Please help Deputy Ayala and his family recover from this tragedy,” the online page says. “All donations will be tremendously appreciated.”  

Those wishing to help the Ayala family in their recovery from the house fire can visit https://bit.ly/3c9DTDt

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