Marsha McLean | Welcome back to the library!

Marsha McLean

The moment has officially come when we can happily invite our residents back through the library doors at a limited capacity. Throughout this past year, library staff have adapted their programming to provide residents a robust array of virtual programming, including story times, arts and crafts, and sing-alongs. Additionally, our librarians came up with new and innovative ways of getting library materials to our residents with curbside service and the implementation of locker systems at the Canyon County and Valencia branches. Lockers at our Newhall branch will be coming soon.  

We are beyond excited to welcome residents back into our library branches, with the reminder that we are still dealing with the pandemic and safety must come first. To follow the Los Angeles County Department of Health guidelines, the libraries will now be open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 50% capacity. This gives our patrons the opportunity to once again come inside to use the computers, browse our book collections or complete any service transactions.  

Safety a priority 

Your safety is still our top priority, so please continue to wear a mask and socially distance while visiting the libraries. If you prefer to continue with contactless options, our friendly and safe curbside services will still be available, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. In addition, the library lockers will continue to be available, 24/7. 

The reopening of the Santa Clarita Public Library comes at the perfect time as it is National Library Week, with the theme being, “Welcome to Your Library.” We embrace the idea that libraries extend further than the four walls of a building and that all residents are welcome to use our services. Residents can join the celebration by visiting any of our libraries, in person or online.  

Residents can show how much they love our libraries by participating in the #MyLibraryIs promotion on social media. You can share selfies, photos or videos about what you love about our library programs on Instagram, Twitter or the “I love Libraries” Facebook page. Residents who post also have the chance to win a $100 Visa gift card. For more information on National Library Week, visit The American Library Association web site at 

Thank library staff 

As we celebrate Library Week, today is also National Library Workers Day, so we want to take time to thank all of our library staff who work continuously to bring our residents innovative programming and materials on a daily basis. Whether you are just visiting the libraries, or taking advantage of our virtual programs, our talented and knowledgeable staff is always here to help. 

The celebrations don’t end there! This month, we are hosting El Día de los Niños at the Santa Clarita Public Library! The goal of El Día is to celebrate children and encourage connection through the use of books, virtual programming and stories, and to recognize and respect culture, heritage and languages throughout our community. Our library staff has scheduled a week full of events, starting on April 24. 

Throughout the entire week, library staff will be offering multiple, online and in-person opportunities for residents to celebrate El Día de los Niños. Events include a virtual drum circle with Mike DeMenno from local music center, REMO, where residents can join in on the fun at home, by using household items to keep the beat or simply listen and enjoy. Storytime videos, easy cooking videos and fun sing-a-long videos will be available to residents on the Santa Clarita Library YouTube and Facebook pages. To encourage creativity and diversity, youth can design and decorate their own library bookmark, which can be entered into the virtual contest. Grab-and-go piñata kits will be available for residents who want to embrace culture and learn more about El Día de los Niños. For more information or for a schedule of events, please visit 

We are extremely happy to be able to open our library doors once more. These facilities were created for learning, exploring and letting your imagination run wild, so let’s all enjoy our libraries together. I’ll see you at the library! 

Marsha McLean is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at [email protected]. 

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