TOP 10 tips for a freelance writer


If you are a freelance writer, you may work for different platforms and even on an essay writing service. There you should be ready to help clients at any moment. But at times, you may experience a lack of motivation and time management troubles. You might be wondering how to improve the quality of your posts, and the key is in being more productive in general. Using your time more efficiently and writing down the outlines to a future post in advance will help you do better. We are here to help you stay more productive with ten tips from our top authors. 

Stick to your schedule and fill up your calendar

It is not a good idea to set the required posts aside and avoid them until the morning of the pub date. It is better to start working on the scheduled post about a week ahead of time. If you do that, you will have enough time to go over it a couple more times to get a better result. 

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The best thing to have for a writer is to put generated ideas into their calendar – as an example, you can use WordPress Editorial Calendar. There you can add the scheduled posts with their topics and collect snippets for ideas that do not have a pub date yet.  

For scheduling posts in advance, remember about any important dates – holidays, anniversaries, etc. Keep in mind emerging issues and trends as well. 

Generate more ideas

Stockpiling ideas will ensure you pick the best one for the upcoming post. Take your time to generate as many ideas as possible – it will pay off. Here are some examples of sources for your ideas. 

  • Conversations. Pay attention to the main topics of discussions around you – it will keep you updated all the time. 
  • Comments on your posts. Interact with your readers – see what they are asking about, what ideas are the most interesting to them. 

Here is a piece of advice for generating ideas and keeping them organized: keep an idea sheet. It will contain all of the ideas you have ever generated. You can cross out the ones you have already used. But when it comes to writing a new post, you will have an entire list of ideas to choose from. 

A good headline is the key

Some writers spend more time deciding on the headline than on writing the actual body. A basic scenario for this one is a conversation between an author and his editor, where one comes up with a headliner, and the other one starts challenging it. We are here to help you, so here are a few questions to ask yourself about the headline before publishing: 

  • Does it have enough keywords? Will it make it easier for the readers to find this post when needed? 
  • Does it sound fresh and fascinating? 
  • Is it too long or too short? 

Write more posts at a time

Writing one post at a time is not efficient unless it is just a rough outline of the general idea that just came to your mind.  

The thing is, it is easier to stay in with the vibe once you have started working on the text. It would be much harder to come back a few days or weeks later and try to keep up with the same style and structure. 

Write down the outline of idea right there

It might seem a problem for some people – not having any time to complete a post on the idea you have just got. They write down the topic and an example of a headline for their post, but when they come back to that idea it does not seem as good any longer. To avoid that, leave a trail. 

To leave a trail is to freehand something for a future post right there when you got that idea. It will help you to complete it in the future. In case you will not see it as fascinating as you thought the first time, you will have more material to read through to criticize it objectively. 

Use the outlines

It is not as easy to write from scratch as you thought if you only have a headline and a general idea. It is even harder if you don’t leave a trail, as described in a previous tip. 

We suggest leaving a trail as an outline. Write down the idea with as many subheaders and bullets as possible. Remember, no good post is generated randomly. Any successful and interesting post has its structure. 

Work with your writing habits

As a writer, you should know what is better for you. Do you prefer writing a post or two in one sitting, creating a post in a few sessions with short breaks in between, or something else? Here we will tell you about the ‘spit drafts’. 

This writing strategy is good for you if you like coming back to your project the next day to go over it once again. To use your time more efficiently, do the first ‘spit draft’. You do not have to try to get the perfect post the first time. Do not waste your time if you cannot accept it as your final draft anyway. 

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Give your text some rest

Try giving your draft a day to rest before coming back to polish it. It is super efficient because it gives you a fresh look at your work. You will see all of the things that could be improved. And you will see them much better compared to doing it right after writing that first draft. 

On we remind our writers of the importance of this rule. It helps with quality improvement. Keep in mind, you should consider your deadlines. 

Ask for an independent review

Pro writers usually have editors, and that is what distinguishes them from amateurs. If you can’t afford to hire someone to edit and review your text, try finding another blogger to swap. Reading and editing each other’s texts will improve your writing a lot.  

Make sure that you trust the person you are giving your post to. It will be great to get outside eyes on your work. 

Try new features

As a blogger, you might get bored of writing the same posts over and over. The key to keeping up is to keep innovating. Change the posts’ structure – vary the length, amount of subheaders and bullets, general outline. Include some media – screenshots, infographics, even video or audio. 

To keep the readers interested in your blog, try different activities as well. Do Q&A sessions, contests, interact with them in other ways. 

Or you can even try an educational sphere where you help students in their desperate ‘write my essay’ cry. Maybe it will help you find new topics for your blog. 

In conclusion to our top tips for writers

Being a freelance writer is a constant process of learning more and improving your skills. Writing for your blog might be a good way to do that.  

Learn from other bloggers – look at their most successful posts, who are their readers, compare your work to theirs. But while improving and competing, do not forget about your individuality and uniqueness. You could never copy someone’s experience, so your success depends on your creativity and dedication even more than on your grammatical correctness. 

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